In order to communicate effectively we believe in SYSTEMS:
(Save Yourself Some Time Energy & Money Systematically):
We have systems in place so we can communicate as effectively as we can.
A lot depends upon where we are, what time of the day it is, whom we are communicating with, the urgency of the message and the message we are communicating.
We are doing life disguised as grey nomads so there’s that aspect of …
“Time for a nap then a coffee and snack" … then check our systems of communication.
If our project managers are doing what they are paid to do things will run smoothy. Hopefully!!!!”
If we are in Balga: then all systems are relevant to operating from our home office.
If we are on a big lap trips that will depend upon whether you are family, friends, the farm operations, ministry connections that we work closely with or via a team effort, business alliances-connections; that we work closely with or via our team of virtual assistants.
We have our mobile phones, (direct calls or sms) then we have various What’s App Groups we belong to and let’s not forget there’s Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, YouTube, our relevant websites, our virtual team, emails, Zoom etc.
When on our big lap trips we will have to work things out as we go along. It’s going to be a huge learning curve for us both and that’s just the traveling with a rig setup.
Obviously there is the figuring out and getting to know our rig and setup with all of the advanced technological gadgets and gismos we have. But that’s what the big lap trips adventures are all about.